terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

Erzsébet / NEW Brazilian edition!!


17º volume of the CCC CollectionPublished by Chili Com Carne. Edited by Marcos Farrajota. Design by Joana Pires. 144 pages black/white, 16,5x23cm, color cover. 500 copies. ISBN: 978-989-8363-24-4

Sinopsis: Erzsébet is a graphic novel based on the life and times of the infamous sixteenth century Hungarian aristocrat Elizabeth Bathory, aka the bloody countess. The author always wanted to do something in the horror genre and this story had all the ingredients he was looking for, and better still, it really happened! Nunsky (b. 1972) tried to materialize into graphic form those ominous ice cold atmospheres and the maddening loneliness and isolation, which, combined with almost absolute power, slowly pushed that damaged character to commit the most ineffable acts of insanity.

Buy at our online shop, Quimby's (Chicago) and Indie Comics (Italy)


About the author: Nunsky is a comics artist from the north of Portugal and has published most of his work in the Mesinha de Cabeceira zine. In 1997 he made an incredible 39 page comix for the 13rd issue and the 5th anniversary of this mutant zine. Actually this was the first professional looking book that the Chili Com Carne Association made, starting an important publishing history in the Portuguese scene. The comix was entitled 88 and was a unique comix in Portuguese panorama at the time - and still is nowadays! Not only the "psycho-goth" ambience was different from all Portuguese comics but also the graphic quality was astonishing for such artist coming from nowhere. It reminded the Love & Rockets and Charles Burns but had it’s own voice. Since Nunsky is such a lone wolf, almost nobody knows about him and his whereabouts. After the 88 comix he created a rock band called The ID's and that's it. Or that’s what we thought…



Very good comic, inspiring to make logos!!! 


(Belgium artist known for this work for Metal bands logos, he is really the meister of the black art!) ... 
He gets that spirit from Jess Franco movies, where the most important is the iconography and esoteric symbols than a logic narrative, which builds a tension and insanity during the book...
(Portuguese artist and musician in Sektor 304, Méchanosphère, Pagan) 

Best Drawing at BD Amadora 2015 
(most important Portuguese mainstream comics festival)

Best Graphic Novels 2015 (Portugal) by Pedro Moura in Paul Gravett site : Apart from authors that have been working continually, or newcomers conquering their own turf, I’d like to mention a book by someone who made a sort of comeback in early 2015. The author known as Nunsky is somewhat of a solitudinarian, staying apart from the most visible local “comics scene”, and while he works professionally with drawing, he seldom publishes comics. After projects in the late 1990s, this is his first longer form book. Erzsebét (with English subtitles) is the biography of the infamous early 17th century Hungarian princess mass-murderer, Elizabeth Báthory, a.k.a. “The Blood Countess”. The author weaves history and fantasy into a dense portrait of the character and her deeds, creating thus a classic take on the genre of horror comics. Adapting his stark, thick lines – akin to wood-engraving, to an extent - to sober composition work and a contained palette, close to artists such as Michael Kupperman or Igor Haufbauer, the book is less dynamic and fast-paced than hieratic, taut and austere. A complete biography that focuses on the emergence of Elizabeth’s very “dark side”, one could argue that Erzsebét is also a study about evil and salvation, class divides and how madness is often the key to escape desperation. 


First Chili Com Carne book with International Rights sold: Brazilian edition by Zarabatana Books in 2017 with DGLAB support


(...) the drawings are outstanding and the plot is extremely interesting. I must admit that violent scenes and „blood and gores“ are not especially my taste... nevertheless I must recognize the skills of the drawings. (...) I enjoyed reading that book.. because of the historical background… and the thrills of the drawings… a bit of gores is good now and then !


New edition with hardcover + sketches by Zarabatana this year!

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