terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2019

Pretty Good Year

2019 was a Pretty Good Year for Chili Com Carne collective. 
We're fighting against all Portuguese garbage market and winning international recognition!
Here they go:

1) José Smith Vargas long awaited graphic novel about Lisbon gentrification had one chapter published in the important Italian Internazionale magazine - a special issue about Lisbon. Published full color it discuss about Martim Moniz plaza, built on public shame & corruption!

2) Short story A Day by Mariana Pita is the first Portuguese comix ever published in the Very Important Fantagraphics Books - taken from Outside with the cuties (co-published with O Panda Gordo, in 2017), it was published in their "zeitgeisted" magazine Now #6!!

3) Canadian TRIP anthology made a special Portuguese issue (number 10) that included brand new comix by some of our best artists, that is: Gonçalo Duarte, Francisco Sousa Lobo, Cátia Serrão, Mariana Pita, Tiago Baptista, Hétamoé, Daniel Lima, Bruno Borges and Xavier Almeida. Cover was done by José Feitor and an introduction text was written by Sara Figueiredo Costa. DGLAB gave support for this fat book!

4) Graphic Novel The Care of Birds by Francisco Sousa Lobo was finally published in Spain by Reservoir Books (Penguin Random House) after such good critic reviews by the likes such as Paul Gravett. Synopsis: "Peter Hickey is to paedophiles what birdwatchers are to hunters". Peter Hickey dixit. What is meant by this oblique statement is the crux of this graphic novel. Peter Hickey is a godless catholic perv. Peter hickey has a saint syndrome.

5 + 6) ПИКАЧОК: Истории из жизни. Козырь means Musclechoo - Side Story File 001 - Trump Card in Russian! Bloody fucking Rambo and Pikachu mash-up creation by Rudolfo saw Cyrillic second life with a regular edition and one special edition! How the hell this happens!? Crazy Comfed crew done it! Eat shit, Bob!

Also The Care of Birds will be published in France by Rackham and we're dealing with Kassumai by David Campos - about his Guinea Bissau NGO experience - for Poland. AND, our sister-label-soon-to-die MMMNNNRRRG will have W.C. by Marriette Tosel in Colombia. But all this will be in 2020! We'll have to wait!!

Thank you to all that help us to make this possible, you know who you are!

quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2019

E3 - convite

Depois de um ano cheio de actividades relacionadas com o eclipse de 1919, eis mais uma iniciativa desta vez com uma edição da Chili Com Carne.

Para já, é um convite triplo, para dia 19 de Dezembro, as 17h, no Atrio do C6, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Será lançado um livro com um ensaio de Ana Simões e uma Banda Desenhada de Ana Matilde Sousa (mais conhecida pela Hetamoé) e serão inauguradas as exposições "E3" e "The Eagle has Landed. Viagens a Lua" (comissariada por Maria Paula Diogo).

O livro será apresentado por Sara Figueiredo Costa!

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2019

E3 a chegar...

segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2019