Spreading Chili Sauce around Boring Europa
This project is about 6 artists from Chili Com Carne in a van trough boring Europe, making gigs, party, selling zines and books, showing prints and silkcreens from Portuguese and international artists.
Spreading Chili Com Carne and it associates work is the main goal of this tour, simultaneously questioning what is this "boring Europa" we are living when national identities are reduce to some rural artifacts and anachronic rituals for "vampiresque photographilia" devious tourist's behavior.
It's true that Chili Com Carne always was an international project, eager to know people outside of Portugal, and since ever it had worked with foreigner authors - like American Mike Diana or Finn Tommi Musturi - or collectives (like Slovenian Stripburger or Italian Crack Festival) and had always this feeling of loneliness for being such peripheral country in the end of Europe.
So we decided to visit some of our European friends in 15 days! Fuck the comix festivals when you can even speak with your friend for 5 minutes without another guy interrupting for some shady "bizness" (like comix have money, ah!).
1st September, Wednesday, 19h - LAVAKERI, Calle Las Monjas 8, Valencia, Spain
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with Las Rodilleras and Tumba Swing (Spain)
- zine release of Portuguese (João Ortega, Bruno Borges, Marcos Farrajota, André Lemos, Sílvia Rodrigues and Ana Ribeiro) and Spanish (artists from Argh! and Valiente), edition by Cada Vez Peor.
2nd September, Thursday : LAVAKERI
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
3th September, Friday, 21h : FRAGILE CONTINUO, Bologna, Italy
- exhibition
It's true that Chili Com Carne always was an international project, eager to know people outside of Portugal, and since ever it had worked with foreigner authors - like American Mike Diana or Finn Tommi Musturi - or collectives (like Slovenian Stripburger or Italian Crack Festival) and had always this feeling of loneliness for being such peripheral country in the end of Europe.
So we decided to visit some of our European friends in 15 days! Fuck the comix festivals when you can even speak with your friend for 5 minutes without another guy interrupting for some shady "bizness" (like comix have money, ah!).

1st September, Wednesday, 19h - LAVAKERI, Calle Las Monjas 8, Valencia, Spain
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with Las Rodilleras and Tumba Swing (Spain)
- zine release of Portuguese (João Ortega, Bruno Borges, Marcos Farrajota, André Lemos, Sílvia Rodrigues and Ana Ribeiro) and Spanish (artists from Argh! and Valiente), edition by Cada Vez Peor.
2nd September, Thursday : LAVAKERI
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
3th September, Friday, 21h : FRAGILE CONTINUO, Bologna, Italy
- exhibition
- book selling
- Ghuna X (dj set)
4th September, Saturday, 22h : MENZA, Ljubjana, Slovenia
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
- party with unDJ MMMNNNRRRG
5th September, Sunday, 22h : MENZA
4th September, Saturday, 22h : MENZA, Ljubjana, Slovenia
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
- party with unDJ MMMNNNRRRG
5th September, Sunday, 22h : MENZA
- exhibition
- book selling
6th September, Monday : Pancevo, Serbia (free day)
7th September, Tuesday : ELEKTRIKA Pancevo, Serbia
- exhibition
- book selling
- comix jam (?) 16h
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X, 19h
- party with unDJ MMMNNNRRRG
6th September, Monday : Pancevo, Serbia (free day)
7th September, Tuesday : ELEKTRIKA Pancevo, Serbia
- exhibition
- book selling
- comix jam (?) 16h
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X, 19h
- party with unDJ MMMNNNRRRG
8th September, Wednesday : TONTO, Graz, Austria
- Book selling
9th September, Wednesday/Thursday ALTES FINANZAMT, Berlin, Germany
- exhibition
- book selling
10th September, Friday ALTES FINANZAMT, Berlin, Germany
- exhibition
- book selling
- concert of Coal Oven
11th September, Saturday, 21h : ALTES FINANZAMT, Berlin, Germany
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
- party with unDJ MMMNNNRRRG
12th September (traveling day)
13th September, Monday : FANZINO, Poitiers, France
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X
14th September, Tuesday, 19h30 : AMALGAMA Vigo, Spain
- opening of Iberian Small Press Exhibition
- exhibition
- book selling
- concerts with R- and Ghuna X

Marcos Farrajota : works in Lisbon Comics Library, founder of Mesinha de Cabeceira zine, Chili Com Carne and MMMNNNRRRG (comix, illustration, essay and literature), comix author, unDJ
Ghuna X is the main alias for a multidisciplinary artist Pedro Augusto based since the last years in the city of Porto. Founding member of multiple projects as the beats platform Faca Monstro or the diy label Marvellous Tone, creative in new artifacts and expression related to experimental and electronic music. Ghuna X became an abstract territoire making use of different sonic mediums to express ambiguous feelings like magic and incantation.
Ricardo Martins : comix author and musician (Lobster, I Had Plans, Adorno, R-, The Living Dead Orchestra,...)
Joana Pires : graphic designer
Ana Ribeiro : comix author, zine editor (Durty Cat)
Sílvia Rodrigues : illustrator and comix author
Ana Ribeiro : comix author, zine editor (Durty Cat)
Sílvia Rodrigues : illustrator and comix author
SHOW MATERIAL (prints + silkscreens) of João Chambel, Marco Moreira, Mike Diana (USA), Stevz (Brazil), Tommi Musturi (Finland), Pedro Zamith, Jakob Klemencic (Slovenia), MP5 (Italy), Nevada Hill (USA), Igor Hofbauer (Croatia), Filipe Abranches, Alberto Corradi (Italy), Miguel Carneiro, Luís Henriques, Joana Bragança, José Feitor, Gianluca Constantini (Italy), Bruno Borges, Marco Mendes, Jucifer, João Maio Pinto, Rafael Gouveia, Christopher Webster (UK), Claudio Parentela (Italy), Rudolfo, André Coelho, Pedro Brito, Andreia Rechena, Ana Ribeiro, David Campos, Margarida Borges, Jorge Coelho...
Along the traveling our group of travelers will do a "carnet de voyage" with their observations of the trip - the road, the people, the cities, the countries...
Drawings, texts, comix will be done by the six authors, assembled during the trip and finished on the return. This will include also work done during the tour like comix workshops (Ljubjana) and comix jam (Pancevo), or related with the traveling done by other authors like Aleksandar Zograf,... This volume will the 12th of the book of Colecção CCC - a collection of comix, illustration and literature fragmented works, internationally known of such anthologies like Mutate & Survive, Crack On (co-edited with the infamous Italian festival) or MASSIVE.
meanwhile... IN "LISSABON"
A German artist will take of the two cats of Marcos Farrajota and Joana Pires while they are away. Karolina Pyrcik will make her graphic diary about Lisbon making more rich this experience about "traveling around boring Europa". Her contribution will help balanced the views of the six Portuguese "truckdrivers".
Image projection with illustration, comix and animations of Marco Moreira, João Chambel, Bruno Borges, José Feitor, Pedro Zamith, Mike Diana, Marcos Farrajota, JCoelho, João Maio Pinto, Jucifer, Pepedelrey, André Lemos, João Cabaço, Rita Braga, Joana Pires,... all mixed by Lucas Almeida
Sound System with R- (electronic, circuit-bending), Ghuna X (dub, abstract) and unDJ MMMNNNRRRG (unDJing)
Sound System with R- (electronic, circuit-bending), Ghuna X (dub, abstract) and unDJ MMMNNNRRRG (unDJing)

Along the traveling our group of travelers will do a "carnet de voyage" with their observations of the trip - the road, the people, the cities, the countries...
Drawings, texts, comix will be done by the six authors, assembled during the trip and finished on the return. This will include also work done during the tour like comix workshops (Ljubjana) and comix jam (Pancevo), or related with the traveling done by other authors like Aleksandar Zograf,... This volume will the 12th of the book of Colecção CCC - a collection of comix, illustration and literature fragmented works, internationally known of such anthologies like Mutate & Survive, Crack On (co-edited with the infamous Italian festival) or MASSIVE.
meanwhile... IN "LISSABON"
A German artist will take of the two cats of Marcos Farrajota and Joana Pires while they are away. Karolina Pyrcik will make her graphic diary about Lisbon making more rich this experience about "traveling around boring Europa". Her contribution will help balanced the views of the six Portuguese "truckdrivers".
2 comentários:
...Have a nice trip ;)
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